Sunday, April 02, 2006

RESPECT the Walken!

WARNIING! The following video is for the diehard Christopher Walken fan ONLY. You must -- I repeat -- you MUST love the Walken in order to view this video.

Brief nudity, orgasmic music, complete coolness.

Je t'aime, Monsieur Walken.


At 3:43 PM, Blogger Hoolaine said...

who couldn't love a christopher walken montage video?

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Granny said...

I've always liked him but until I saw this, I hadn't thought of him as romantic but more on the creepy side (in a good way of course).

At 1:08 AM, Blogger emmapeelDallas said...

He is SOOOOOOOOO sexy, and with those crazy eyes...I love this video!


p.s. - I navigated here via Deb, and I'm glad I did. I'll be back!


At 8:27 AM, Blogger David Niall Wilson said...

Hmmm well, no video there from here, but I suspect it's a net security thing...

I'm a Walken fan, but not really involved in the same WAY (lol)...

Just stoppin' through.


At 8:27 AM, Blogger E said...

Aghhhh! I can't see the video!! Sent it to my email! so I can make fun of you!!! XXOO-E

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Ms. Lori said...

True, hoolaine, very, very true.

Ann, one of my favorite performances of his, and my introduction to this god among men, is in The Deer Hunter, which I first watched as a young teen. Fell instantly in love...

Hey there, Emma, glad you stopped by! I love Deb's blog. Will check out yours asap. And yes, the Walken IS sooooooooooooooooooo sexy. Rawr!

David and Leenie, I'm so mad! Why won't it work for you?! Especially since it works nicely for me -- I have the worst DSL service on the entire planet, usually can't easily download stuff. Hmmm. Rats.

David, there's some boobie action in that clip. Too bad for you. lol!

At 12:37 PM, Blogger David Niall Wilson said...

I'll watch it from home, where said "action" won't get me fired (lol) It's actually there now, I just can't hit the PLAY button w/out fear...

I think he was at his finest moment in MOUSE TRAP (lol)


At 1:46 PM, Blogger David Niall Wilson said...

Do you guys know anyone in KC? My first feature film debuts in a theater there this weekend during the KC Filmmakers Jubilee...I'm trying to get someone go and guage the reaction...


At 2:57 PM, Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

Dear God, what in the name of all that's sacred...?

My eyes have actually burned from my skull! And I'm a true Walken fan!

At 3:49 PM, Blogger RobinSlick said...

Yeah, he's sick in a good way alright.

He has my respect, Ms. Lori.

Now. To go find some John Cusack You Tubes...sigh...John in High Fidelity is one of my life's high points.

At 11:59 PM, Blogger E said...

Ok. It worked this time...WOW! He is a Cinematic Slut!!! How many ladies has he kissed on film??!!! (have to admit - he does look like a good kisser)...but still a SLUT!;)

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Ms. Lori said...

David, as I said on your blog today, I wish to hell I could go. Looks amazing! Keep us posted, please! I'll be first in line to get the DVD!

Jas, shut up, you.

Robin, I see your John Cusack and raise you a Gary Oldman.

Leenie, you is a big weenie. A big Moulin Rouge-loving weenie. But I luvs ya like a fat kid luv cake. ;-)

At 3:23 AM, Blogger C said...

gotta love the man who can dance well and play the freak. (but you have to ask yourself, is he playing? i think not so much) I love the Dead Zone, it is one of my favorite books and movies, because hey look, it has Christopher Walken AND Martin Sheen, at their perfect ages. Grrrrooowwwwllll.


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