Monday, November 06, 2006

Whenever I Feel Like Running Out into Busy Traffic...

...A compulsion I‘ve had since childhood, a little voice from below always saves me from myself…

Boy: Mommy, I like the way you smell.

Me: Thank you, sweetheart!

Boy: Yeah, you smell better than Daddy.

Me: I do?

Boy: Uh huh. Daddy smells like bugs, but you smell pretty.

Me: Daddy doesn’t smell like bugs -- he smells like oatmeal.

Boy: Well, I think boys smell terrible, and girls smell good! Girls smell yummy! ***Boy rubs tummy, licks his lips, and goes “mmmm yuuuuum“***

Me, horrified and appalled, yet enchanted: You will not be dating until you reach the age of twenty-five, son.

Boy, finger up nose:
Mommy, can I have a waffle with sip [syrup]?


At 11:14 AM, Blogger Katie said...

awwww! How cute!

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Steven said...

I personally think you smell like bugs dahling. ;)


At 2:51 PM, Blogger E said...

when my kids come in the bed with me to sleep they fight over who has to sleep on daddy's side. Apparently they don't like the way he smells either. I happen to like the way he smells so I don't get it. But it is endearing how they prefer the way mommies smell, isn't it. I think you smell like cupcakes;-)

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

Yes, like most boys, in one ear and out the other!

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Ms. Lori said...

Katie, he is the cutest little pervert EVER! ;;-)

Steven, bugs FROM HEAVEN, you mean!

Leenie, that's so funny about hubby's side of the bed -- my kids do the same. Lar smells good, always, but I guess ya just can't beat Eu de Mommy, eh? ;-)

Jas, you got it!


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